Past Events

Thanksgiving Weekend - Ayurveda and Nutrition

Ayurvedic Health Retreat

Ayurveda for Healthy Life with Dr Sonal

Introduction to Ayurveda



Doctor Sonal with...


Your Questions


Detoxify, Revitalize and Rejuvenate your body


Program Details

Panchkarma is a powerful purification Ayurvedic therapy that provides a unique opportunity for the system to repair and rejuvenate. 'Panch' means five and 'Karma' means actions so literally translated, it is a set of five systematic actions used for purification of the body. It is used to bring the aggravated doshas into balance and to flush out the accumulated 'ama' toxins from the body using the normal modes of elimination like the intestines, sweat glands and the urinary tract.



Overview of Panchkarma research shows that it rejuvenates body and mind and slows down aging process. It also boosts up digestion and metabolism and reduces cholesterol by lowering toxic lipid peroxide levels. It also helps to eliminate 14 major toxics and cancer causing chemicals from body tissues including heavy metals, pesticides and other hazardous environmental chemicals. It is significantly raised the good HDL cholesterols and lowered diastolic blood pressure with cleansing the systems. It effectively reduces free radicals which are the leading cause of major diseases. To maximize the success of treatment Ayurveda recommends lifestyle modifications and certain changes in one's diet.

Panchkarma program includes different traditional healing treatments like: Abhyanga (whole body massage with warm Ayurvedic herbal oil), Gharshana, Vishesha, Ubatana( dry powder massage), Swedana (fomentation), Kizhi (warm herbal powder in cotton cloth for hot pounding massage) Pindasweda, Basti (therapeutic enema for cleansing), Nasya (nasal medication), Shirodhara (pouring warm herbal oil in a string on forhead) , Marama etc. according to individual requirement prescribed by Ayurvedic doctor Sonal after accessing the doshic imbalance and basic body constitution.

Ayurvedic spa treatment based on Panchkarma

Person wants to undergo any treatment, they have to personally consult Ayurvedic doctor Sonal M.D. (Ayurveda), who can prescribe suitable Ayurvedic treatment only after diagnosing your Doshic imbalance and basic body constitution. Upon your arrival here at the centre you can consult to Vaidya Sonal personally and book the necessary treatment. You may also get in touch with Ayurvedic doctor by email: or call at 647 283 9070

ABHYANGA meaning an Ayurvedic massage with oil. Abhyanga literary means to run or stroke one's hand all over, all around the body in a gentle manner which helps to brings toxins out of the fatty tissues and rejuvenate the body.

UDVARTANAM: Massage of body with herbal powder in opposite direction of hair according to disorders. SWEDANA: meaning an Ayurvedic fomentation treatment. It is a treatment which produces sweat and brings toxins to the exterior surfaces of various organs in the body.

SHIRODHARA: A continuous dripping of medicated herbal warm oil in a steady stream on the forehead for mental relaxation. It rejuvenates the body, mind and chakras completely and encouraging circulation.
Purpose: can also be administered during the whole process to enhance the effect of Panchakarma and to calm down the mind and the emotions.

KIZHI: Process by which the whole body or specific parts are made to sweat by the application of warmed medicine herb powder or leaves or hot rice tied into a cotton cloth.
Purpose: -to liquefy and help eliminate the toxins. to release the pain on strained muscles, for sciatica etc. Give flexibility to the body.

NASYAM: Inhalation of medicated oil, usually done after a massage.
Purpose:-To purge and rejuvenate tissues and organs of the head and neck (nose, larynx, ears, and eyes). Improves oxygenation which a direct influence on brain functioning. Treat sinus congestion, cold, sinusitis, allergies, headaches, migraines etc.

Treatment Day's $
Rejuvenation Massage with one therapist
with herbal oil (1 hour)
Rejuvenation massage with two therapist
With herbal oil (1and half hour)
Udvarthanam Massage
with herbal powders-to reduce fat on the body

Massage with Nasyam
a cleansing of the nasal passages
Massage with Udvartanam
Massage with Udvartanam

a cleansing of the nasal passages
Massage with Shirodhara
Massage with Shirodhara

a cleansing of the nasal passages
Massage with Kizhi
Massage with Kizhi

hot herbal bundles
Massage with Navera Kizhi
Massage with Navera Kizhi

hot herbal bundles
One day cleansing prgramme
Basic Panchakarma programme for

hot herbal bundles
Therapeutic Panchakarma programme for
Cleansing, detoxification and rejuvenation

Traditional Panchakarma programme for
Chronic diseases and disorders



The deep cleansing process, unique to Ayurveda that enables the body to release excess doshas and toxins from its cells and expel them is called Panchakarma, which basically denotes detoxification or elimination of toxins from the body. Although the human body is considered as a great, intelligent, natural healing system capable of rejuvenating itself, the formation of toxins reduces that natural capacity. It is then Panchakarma that plays a crucial role in that correction.
Panchkarma programme can be divided mainly in three stages:
Poorva karma-preparatory procedure: Takes 3 to 7 days which include Oleation (Snehana) therapy and Fomentation (swedana)therapy
Pradhan (main) Karma - Consists of the five essential detoxification therapies, namely.
Emesis (Vamana) Therapy, Purgation (Virechana) Therapy, therapeutic Enema (basti)
Therapy Nasal medication (nasya) Therapy, Bloodletting (Rakta mokshana)
Paschat (post) Karma - Crucial follow-up that includes diet, Ayurvedic herbs and lifestyle

One day package with Panchkarma cleansing treatment
It includes a personalized health consultation with an Ayurvedic doctor Sonal to analyze his or her unique Ayurvedic constitution (Prakriti), determine any imbalances in the three biological rhythms or forces according to Ayurveda (Vata, Pitta, Kapha) with using the ancient art of Ayurvedic pulse technique and educate clients in Ayurvedic living. Dr.Sonal will thoroughly examine many aspects of physical and psychological imbalances of her clients during private consultation and will decide proper cleansing and rejuvenative treatments for one day programme.

Basic Panchkarma -7 days for Protection and maintaining your health
It includes an orientation with Dr.sonal on first day evening before your program starts.
A complete Ayurvedic consultation assessment including a pulse evaluation with daily
Ayurvedic treatments of approximately two to three hours consisting of: Abhyanga (a two-person synchronized oil massage), Swedana (individual herbalized sweat therapy), Shirodhara (pouring of warm oil to the forehead), Udvartana (herbalized dusting of the body),Basti (therapeutic enema), Pizzichill etc. suggested by Ayurvedic doctor Sonal.
Panchakarma Consultant Dr.Sonal will be available throughout the week to monitor your progress and provide specific lifestyle and diet recommendations to each individual after finishing the p.k. programme.

Therapeutic panchkarma -14 days for Cleansing, detoxification and rejuvenation
It includes a complete Ayurvedic consultation to explain whole panchkarma programme for the individual with Dr.Sonal. She will prescribed Ayurvedic treatments for the individual which includes Seven days for preparation for the Panchkarma
Seven days for the panchkarma treatments prescribed by Dr. sonal

Traditional panchkarma with -21 days chronic diseases and disorders
It includes a complete Ayurvedic consultation to explain whole panchkarma programme for the individual with Dr.Sonal. She will prescribed Ayurvedic treatments for the individual which includes
Seven days for preparation for the Panchkarma
Fourteen days for the panchkarma treatments prescribed by Dr. sonal